The site features landscaped public open space and entry statements, on-street parking, substantial street trees with General Industrial zoning with lot sizes ranging from 1,200m2 to 2ha.
As part of the previous remediation works a number of structures were demolished. The key challenge on the project was to identify high risk areas on the project site where unexpected finds might exist. Due to the tight timeframes on the project, we needed to work collaboratively with the environmentalist, contractor and client to make the best value engineering solutions.
The Bulk Earthworks design required careful consideration of a variety of constraints such as the LWMS, clearance to cinders and interface to existing surrounds. JDSi negotiated a significant import fill deal with the adjacent works being completed by John Holland on Tonkin Highway which represented an overall cost benefit position for the Client in excess of $1M. JDSi also deepened road boxouts to allow any potential placement of unsuitable lot material to reused on site which represented considerable savings compared with offsite disposal.
The Client’s delivery requirements were extremely optimistic and JDSi needed to work to these timeframes. As the project become complex due to unexpected finds, JDSi quickly identified the timing risk from internal resourcing and thus implemented two delivery teams (one for bulk earthworks and one for civils). This allowed JDSi to be 100% responsive on all design and construction fronts.
JDSi liaised closely with the City of Bayswater, City of Bassendean, DWER and Water Corporation to achieve planning and engineering approvals for complex items such as the deep sewer running along Railway Parade. Early in the project, JDSi identified there were site line issues with an intersection and determined that a potential solution was creating an easement on a neighbouring landholding. JDSi negotiated this outcome with ATCO Gas (land owner) for the easement to be placed on their land.