Key Considerations

  • Consideration of sustainable and innovative engineering solutions.
  • Investigating multiple different layouts based on property analysis and land valuations.
  • Bulk Earthworks strategies for industrial sites.
  • Consideration of flexible design with various lot sizes to suit market demands.
  • Working collaboratively with other consultants and local government.
  • Coordinating Western Power to undertake a cable derating study.

Project Challenges

Flexible Design Layout

As part of the Business Case, market research was undertaken to determine the level of interest for a variety of different lot sizes. JDSI investigated options with the planner to implement flexible lot sizes into the design and the ability to amalgamate and subdivide lots once constructed.

Stormwater Management

JDSi discussed the Local Water Management Strategy requirements with the City to minimise the construction costs and to provide flexibility for swale locations to not restrict access to the proposed lots.


Due to high groundwater levels a significant cost to the project is importation of fill. JDSi investigated multiple sources of alternative fill material to minimise the Bulk Earthworks cost. Alternative fill sources investigated included recycled fill, monitoring major projects in the local area with excess fill material and the ability for the site to be unconstrained for importing of opportunistic fill.

Project Description

  • Client:
    City of Gosnells
  • Start Date:
  • Completion Date:
  • Construction Value:
    $13M (Estimated)
  • Key People
David Hellmuth
Project Director

Electrical Designer