The site was low lying with a high ground water level present. The site required up to 3.5m of fill in portions of the site to achieve clearance from the groundwater level and to service all lots via gravity sewer.
The Client advised it had additional clay material from a nearby development so JDSi investigated with the project geotechnical engineers Galt, to establish the possibility of using the clay in deep fill areas. JDSi was able to utilise the clay within the site by not only placing it in deep fill areas but also mixing the clay with import fill to use as much as possible. JDSi saved the Client a substantial amount of money on not only this project but their other project by finding a location for the clay material and reducing the amount of import fill required. The method specification put in place for the filling and mixing of the clay also delivered class “A” sites.
As the site was susceptible to high ground water levels and was within a Water Corporation drainage catchment area special attention to the drainage was given. JDSi liaised with the Water Corporation drainage business unit to design an appropriate basin and stormwater conveyance and connection to existing system, to satisfy the WC. The design of the basin was classified a wet basin which limits the infiltration capabilities at the base.